Sharpening Perspectives in the Enchanted Islands

Vibrant colors on the streets of San Cristobal Island

Over the past 10 years my life has become increasingly hectic, as it does for many in their mid to late 30’s. At a granular level the daily perils of trying to balance nurturing two toddlers, their increasing activities, academics and identifying as a parent in “survival mode” has made time meld. A year ago, my wife and I vowed to plan ahead and take time out for a “big” kidless trip to celebrate my big 4-0, our anniversary, and a new job she’d recently landed. Considering we hadn’t been on a significant international trip in quite some time, we navigated the portal of web research for potential destinations. After about a month, we unanimously decided on the Galapagos Islands, the archipelago 600+ miles from mainland Ecuador famously associated with Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Originally discovered in 1535 by Panamanian Bishop, Tomas de Berlanga whose ship drifted well off-course en route to Peru. Berlanga is also credited for nicknaming the islands, Las Enchantas (known as the “Enchanted Islands”). Between the allure of world class surf and some of the most unique biodiversity, climate, and geographical features, we were sold!

When planning an international trip our motivations can vary from seeking adventure, relaxation, escaping norms, or exploring new cultures. This trip was inspired by some combination of these factors. Although we are often looking to disconnect from our norms, I’m passionate about forging new relationships and networking just about anywhere I roam. I’m also passionate about “storytelling” being a staple in my career through my role at Tailored Creative. When vacationing, I’m good about checking out, but inherently my work involves being open to subjects of potential stories and organically letting a story take you on a journey of its own. Traveling unearths unknown stories, shapes perspective and influences growth.

Can & String (content engine for TC) being guided by the humanitarian pillars of People, Food, Travel, and Spaces, infinite untold tales are lurking in the shadows waiting to be uncovered. In my opinion, travel is the precursor for the other three pillars. If you travel, you’re going to meet interesting people, discover nourishing food, and likely experience unique spaces. One could argue that travel is the most important piece to living a cultured life.

Arriving in San Cristobal Island, we were greeted by our new friend Eddie Salazar who would serve as our destination manager and my personal surf guide for the trip. It was apparent that Eddie was nothing short of a legend in the islands. Having grown up in mainland Ecuador, he fell in love with environmental naturalism and just about any oceanic endeavor imaginable. His global pursuits have taken him to Australia and Denmark before laying his roots in the Galapagos Islands. In addition to hosting some of the world’s best water sport and adventure athletes, Eddie is well on his way to becoming an organic coffee farmer. Most recently he’s acquired a breathtaking 50 acre farm with a spectacular view of San Cristobal’s premiere attraction “Kicker Rock”. The farm will also include a contemporary, off-grid eco resort for guests to enjoy the fresh mountain air and breathtaking panoramic views. If sustainable farming and eco tourism weren’t enough, Eddie plans to run for mayor of Puerto Baquerizo, San Cristobal hoping to inspire local change to what he feels is an outdated political system. After spending some time with Eddie over sunrise coffees, I came to realize he’d be a potential candidate for our “Persons of Interest” feature that follows individuals who have forged their own paths in entrepreneurship and in life. Beyond his entrepreneurial spirit and life acumen, Eddie’s radiant personality comes across inviting and genuine.

Eddie Salazar on the docks of San Cristobal

The Galapagos Islands are unlike anywhere else I’ve experienced on planet Earth. The islands and their inhabitants are devoted to longstanding preservation and environmental stewardship. Nearly 97% of the archipelago is under the protection of Ecuador’s national park system, with only 4 of the 15+ islands being inhabited by humans. With such a keen focus on natural preservation and our brand’s values aligning, I couldn’t help but daydream of the outdoor inspired projects that we could create in such a pristine environment. Many of our Can & String series focus on active living and inspiring connections with outdoor spaces. One such example is a web series titled “Surf Camp”. The premise is simple, a world class surfer (host) seeks out some of the world’s best campgrounds at surf rich locales, highlighting the history, legends, and activities that the camp has on offer. The Galapagos Islands are chock full of isolated beaches, points, and reefs that aren’t easily accessible without a crewed vessel or special permitting. There are however a couple of incredible parks and special permit campgrounds accessible with moderate local guidance. One such location is Manglecito Beach, a remote beach with several coves, multiple waves breaking over exposed lava reef and spectacular views. I stumbled upon this majestic beach while on a day trip to Kicker Rock. Our boat made a 2 hour stop at Manglecito, as the coves offer some of the best shallow water snorkeling I’ve ever encountered. We swam with playful sea lions, massive sea turtles, rays, and reef sharks within a matter of minutes. All over the Galapagos the seamless fusion of desert intersecting with tropics and cool ocean currents pairing with warm trades is nothing short of surreal. This fusion is what allows all the unique wildlife and biodiversity to flourish. After a quick survey of the beach, it was apparent that I had discovered a mandatory shooting location for our upcoming seasons of Surf Camp. Nature and wildlife are at the epicenter of all things in the Galapagos making it an ideal location to produce several of our internationally based series.

Scenic overlook in the National Park at Punta Carola

There are countless other stories, locations, and people with profound tales that deserve our attention in the enchanted islands. I crossed paths with several inspiring people and spaces that capture the essence of what Can & String stands for. Case in point includes my new friend, Harald. Harald is an Austrian software developer whose nomadic, bachelor tendencies have taken him around the world while on holiday. Harald has an affinity for traveling, surfing, and all adventure sports. He’s an avid winter sports athlete that hikes and snowboards miles of elevated backcountry each outing. As I spoke with Harald a bit, his story intrigued me. How was an Austrian so enthralled by surfing? Harald explained to me that he was a student of skateboarding history as a child and after years of studying the cultural roots, he realized that skateboarding was the brainchild of surfing in the 1960’s. He now traverses across Europe to surf a few times a year along with planning one extended stay surf trip in a world class surf locale. Having struck me as the type that must stay on the move, the seed was planted yet again for another potential piece. I’ll fill you in on the details of this particular feature at a later date…

Motorcycle rickshaw on Isla Santa Cruz

Beyond chronicling the experience and scouting potential subjects that fit the mold of our upcoming series, I was able to capture my experience through the medium of photography. I keep at least two cameras (usually one analog & one digital) on me when traveling, not only to memorialize my personal journey but also to scout locations worth sharing with others through our content. Sometimes the lines blur between “work” and “vacation” and in my opinion that’s A-ok if there is a healthy balance. After all, our storytelling and vetting process is organic. We aren’t’ seeking to keep up with trending narratives or flavors of the month, but are more in the business of creating evergreen stories that age like fine wine and hopefully inspire purposeful living. So the next time you travel, regardless of the trip’s primary purpose, keep an open mind to the relationships and places you may encounter…let them inspire your work, your life and ideally mold your own story. Treating each trip like an unspoken scouting mission for the next, has inspired me to take in the most of each locale I visit and share the experience in a more meaningful way. There’s no doubt I plan to revisit the Galapagos Islands in some capacity in the future. In fact, there’s a good chance the next time I’m in the Enchanted Islands it will be supporting the production of several of our household series…that and/or helping Eddie on the farm with his growing organic coffee business. Be sure to enjoy the journey and let the story take you where it may

The famous Galapagos Tortoises at the Charles Darwin Research Center
Written by Ryan King